Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 11: April Showers Bring May Flowers

I love the rain. Maybe because it's part of my name. Even as a child I remember playing in it.
One Mother's Day I bought myself a long yellow rain coat and rubber boots so I can be completely covered when I go for long walks in the rain. There's something about it; the soothing melodic tapping, drops on your face, big huge puddles to jump and stomp in and the smell of newness!
I especially love rainy nights; unlike those who stay inside under a blanket;  I go for a drive with a hot cup of tea beside me or I drive to the lake with a thermos full of steaming hot chocolate, a blanket and a good book under the stars. It's amazing to see the waves rushing and pounding the shore and banks while the thunderous rain splashes into the water, hmmmm.
I love April Showers
On this 21 Day Make-over, whatever Brings You Joy, if it's not illegal, immoral or fattening;  GO FOR IT!
My rain coat and boots in a puddle on a rainy night stroll....

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